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  • Reporting of ACF campaign

    Learning Objectives

    Reporting of the performance of the ACF activity as per the format- digital and paper; and process of reporting


The ACF campaign has to be reported for documentation, monitoring and evaluating the performance of the activity and guiding the policy decisions. 

The various formats used for reporting of performance of Active Case Finding (ACF) activities are as follows:

1. Field activity daily report

  • Submitted by each health staff on a daily basis to the Medical Officer of Primary Health Centre (PHC)/ Community Health Centre (CHC)/ Urban Health Centre (UHC).

Table 1: Format for field activity daily report

Name of citizen


Type of target population


Address/ Place






Symptom (write no of days) Sputum sample collected? Sputum TB diagnosed? TB treatment initiated? Any other symptoms (specify) Refer to (where)
Cough Fever Weight Haemoptysis Chest pain h/o ATT


2. ACF activity reporting by Health Facility

  • The Field Activity reports from all health staff will be analysed and appropriate action will be taken by Medical Officer of PHC/ CHC/ UHC.
  • These reports are combined and a report will be prepared as per the following format and submitted to Block Medical Officer (BMO)/ Block Health Officer (BHO) on daily basis.

Table 2: Format for ACF activity by health facility

State: ……………………………    District: ………………………………….    TB Unit:…………………………     PHC/CHC/UHC:………………

Total Population of PHC/CHC/UHC:………………

Total mapped target population:…………………..

Type of target population Address / place Population of target group Number screened for symptoms Number examined for sputum Number of TB patients diagnosed

At the block level reports from all the reporting units will be compiled in the below format and sent to the District on a daily basis.


3. ACF activity reporting by Block/ Town/ City

Table 3: Format for ACF activity reporting by block/ town/ city

State: ……………………………                         District: …………………………………. Block/Town/City:…………………………
Name of PHC/CHC/UHC Total mapped target population Number screened for symptoms Number examined for sputum Number of TB patients diagnosed  

And at the district level, reports from all blocks are to be compiled in the format below, and the consolidated report should be sent to the State.


4. ACF activity reporting by District

Table 4: Format for ACF activity reporting by district

State: ……………………………                         District: ………………………………….
Name of Block/Town/City Total mapped target population Number screened for symptoms Number examined for sputum Number of TB patients diagnosed


5. ACF activity reporting by State

Table 5: Format for ACF activity reporting by state

State: ……………………………      
Name of District Total mapped target population Number screened for symptoms Number examined for sputum Number of TB patients diagnosed


  • State TB Officer (STO) would be responsible for the overall coordination and implementation of campaign activities and reporting in the State/ UT.
  • Data entry of district-level reports in electronic format will be ensured by District TB Officer (DTO) on a daily basis after the field activity is completed. Ni-kshay has a section on active case finding where the mapping of target population and reporting of various activities can be done.

Fig 1: Nikshay section for reporting various ACF activities





Question​ Answer 1​ Answer 2​ Answer 3​ Answer 4​ Correct answer​ Correct explanation​ Page id​ Part of Pre-test​ Part of Post-test​
Who is in the overall charge of activities and reporting of ACF campaign in a state? Health minister Medical college task force State TB Officer None of the above 3 State TB Officer would be responsible for the overall coordination and implementation of campaign activities and reporting in the State/ UT. Yes Yes


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