Goals of treatment
H5ContentStrategies for TB Treatment
H5ContentPharmacological Basis of treatment
H5ContentTreatment Phases
H5ContentFixed Dose Combinations [FDC]s
H5ContentAdvantages of FDCs
H5ContentFDCs used in NTEP
H5ContentTB Drug Regimen
H5ContentTB Treatment Initiation
H5ContentFollow-up of TB patient
H5ContentTB Treatment Outcome
H5ContentClosing Cases and Assigning Treatment Outcomes
H5ContentTypes of ADR of TB Treatment
H5ContentManagement of Adverse Drug Reactions(ADRs) of TB Treatment
H5ContentLong Term Post-treatment follow up of TB patients
H5ContentTB Treatment Card
H5ContentNTEP TB ID Card
H5ContentTransfer of TB Patient
H5ContentPharmacovigilance in NTEP
H5ContentFollow up sputum examination
H5ContentManagement of EPTB
H5ContentManagement of Patients with Treatment Interruptions
H5ContentPrevention of Drug Resistance
H5ContentManagement of TB in special situations
H5ContentDeath Audit