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Read this page to learn how TB is a threat to the nation's economy and the role of workplaces in reducing the burden of TB 


Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the top ten deadliest diseases known to mankind and India is accountable for 26% of all TB cases and 31% of all TB-related deaths worldwide.

  • TB control and prevention faces daunting challenges in India. A significant proportion of the population is undernourished, which weakens immunity and drives.
  • 83% of TB cases come from the most productive age group of 15-60 years in India.
  • The public and private sectors in India employ 470 million workers, of which around 80% are from the unorganized sector [Unlike the organized sector, unorganized sector may not have access to formal mechanisms of regular health check up, insurance etc.]
  • It is estimated that around 170 million work days are annually lost due to TB.
TB Causing low productivity leading to Rs13000 Cr economic loss in India Annually












Global tuberculosis report 2020: executive summary. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020  * India TB Report 2021

Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) by the National Sample Survey Organization Ministry of Statistics & Programe Implementation, 2017 – 2018

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