End TB strategy
H5ContentSustainable Development Goals [SDGs] related to TB
H5ContentEvolution of TB Elimination Programme in India
H5ContentIndia's commitment to End TB
H5ContentNational Strategic Plan [NSP] for TB Elimination 2017-25
H5ContentNTEP Objectives- in relation to NSP 2017-2025
H5ContentOrganizational Structure of NTEP
H5ContentThe State TB Cell
H5ContentState TB Training and Demonstration Centre [STDC]
H5ContentDistrict TB Centre [DTC]
H5ContentTuberculosis Unit [TU]
H5ContentPeripheral Health Institutions [PHI] and Health Facilities
H5ContentDR-TB Centres and Network
H5ContentDrugs Stores in NTEP
H5ContentStandards of TB Care in India
H5ContentStages in TB Patient's Lifecycle
H5ContentSenior TB Laboratory Supervisor [STLS] and their role
H5ContentRole of STLS at a TDC