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User roles managing patient data in Nikshay
Learning ObjectivesProvide an overview of the various roles that manage patient data in Nikshay
Nikshay being the final updated repository of information of TB patient services, different roles perform various actions on the patient and TB service information in Nikshay and keep it updated. These roles range from health volunteers and treatment supporters on the field to health providers and doctors at health facilities. Each role acts on or inputs information based on the services they provide. The information is required to updated when it is generated by the person generating it (eg by the CBNAAT LT once the results of a CBNAAT test is available).
- Laboratory Technician (LT): This role encompasses LTs at all labs performing all types of TB related tests including those at District Microscopy Centre (DMCs), Cartridge Based Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (CBNAAT) and Culture and Drug Sensitivity Test (CDST) laboratories. The LT is responsible for adding and updating test records (Test request and test result) in Nikshay that they perform. Nikshay in-turn provides the LT with the electronic register of tests performed at the PHI and also shares the updated information with other relevant stakeholders.
- Treatment Supporters and Health Volunteers: These field level volunteers (such as ASHAs) may enroll presumptive TB cases and refer them to the nearest PHI. Once a TB case is identified and linked to them for treatment support they can record and monitor TB patient adherence. Nikshay in-turn provides them with updated information of the patient and automatically calculates Treatment Supporters honorarium and enables its processing by the relevant authorities.
- Patients: Patients may view their updated TB health records including adherence information and status of DBT benefits processing in Nikshay through the TB Arogya Saathi Application.
- Pharmacist/ Storekeeper: These ensure drug dispensation records of patients are updated along with related supply chain information in Nikshay and Nikshay Aushadhi.
- Health Staff: This is a group of roles posted to various PHIs(Peripheral Health Institutions) and their catchment geographies, ranging from CHOs and MPHWs to Medical officers of the PHI. They are responsible for ensuring that all records related to all patients in their catchment area, encompassing all functions from enrollment to post treatment follow-up. The Medical Officer/ Doctor in-charge apart from being the final accountable authority for ensuring updated and correct information is present in Nikshay, They need to review and record treatment initiation (along with treatment regimen) and clinical decision in Nikshay with support from their health staff.
- Senior Treatment Supervisor (STS)/ Senior TB Lab Supervisor (STLS)/ TB Health Visitor: These roles train and support the above staff in ensuring that the information in Nikshay is up-to-date. They also review reports and coordinate feedback to the other staff to ensure optimum patient services.
The overall responsibility of ensuring completion of real-time updating of information/ data in Nikshay lies with the District TB Officer (DTO). The DTO is responsible for ensuring that the relevant staff are trained in the use of Nikshay.
Question | Answer 1 | Answer 2 | Answer 3 | Answer 4 | Correct answer | Correct explanation | Page id | Part of Pre-test | Part of Post-test |
When and by whom are the results of a laboratory test updated? | By the LT at the end of the month | By the LT at the end of the day | By the LT once the test result is available | By the STLS when they visit the lab | 3 | The information is required to be updated when it is generated by the person generating it. | Yes | Yes |
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