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Alcoholism in TB Patients
Learning ObjectivesAlcoholism in TB Patients
About 10% TB deaths globally have been attributed to alcohol as a risk factor(WHO, Global TB Report 2017). Alcohol abuse is associated with threefold increase in risk of contracting tuberculosis.
Side effects of anti TB drugs in this situation might get aggravated.
Figure: Impact of Alcoholism on TB patients
Treatment for Alcoholic TB Patients:
- Patients with TB and a history of alcohol use should be referred to the nearest health facility of NTEP to manage TB and alcoholism.
- While registering as a TB case, the status of alcohol use should be recorded in the patient records. If the TB patient is an alcohol user, he/she should be counselled to quit it. If the patient doesn't quit alcohol, s/he may be referred to the nearest alcohol de-addiction facility.
- The patient should be assessed at every follow-up visit for TB and the status of use of alcohol.
- At the end of treatment, his/her status of alcohol use should be recorded on the treatment card. If the patient has not quit alcohol, he/she should be referred to the nearest alcohol de-addiction facility and Alcohol Anonymous wherever available.
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