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The National Tuberculosis (TB) Elimination Program (NTEP) has evolved over a period of time. To incorporate the new policy decisions and get better data, the number of recording and reporting formats have also increased.


The paper-based formats have undergone revision and capture necessary information related with TB patient demographics, TB diagnosis, patient comorbidities, TB treatment follow-up, adverse drug reaction and treatment outcome.


Key paper-based recording and reporting formats include:

1. NTEP request form for examination of biological specimen for TB 15A
2. NTEP referral slip (referral from field) 15B
3. Tuberculosis treatment card 15C
4. Patient’s TB identity card 15D
5. NTEP PMDT treatment card 15E
6. NTEP PMDT treatment booklet  
7. NTEP PMDT patient identity card 15F
8. Referral/Transfer form for treatment 15G
9. NTEP PMDT referral for treatment form 15H
10. TB notification register 15I
11. NTEP PMDT treatment register 15J
12. Tuberculosis laboratory register 15K/L
13. Culture and DST register  
14. Various checklists and formats related with state/central internal evaluation  
14. NTEP drug stock register  
15. Reconstitution register  
16. NTEP assets register  
17. Supervisory visit register  
18. HIV-TB register (ICTC)  
19. HIV-TB register (ART centre)  
20. HIV-TB line list (ICTC)  
21. Community Based Assessment Checklist (CBAC)  

PMDT: Programmatic Management of Drug-resistant TB, DST: Drug Susceptibility Testing, ICTC: Integrated Counselling and Testing Centre


Each health facility needs to ensure that relevant recording and reporting formats are available in adequate quantity and are utilized for TB patient care and related documentation.


Currently, NTEP follows a dual system of recording and reporting in which data from paper-based systems is digitized onto an online surveillance system called ‘Nikshay’.





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