Content Status
- Bands with intensities similar or better than Amplification Control (AC) zone are considered.
- Not all bands of strip show same signal strength
Special Scenarios
- Both mutation probe and corresponding wild type probe are developed, represents a valid result
- Possible reasons:
- The tested specimen contains hetero-resistant strain
- The tested specimen contains more than one M. tuberculosis strain (mixed infection)
- Possible reasons:
- Resistance with wild type pattern
- Possible reasons:
- The tested specimen contains hetero-resistance strain; caused by mutation not covered by mutation probes
- The tested specimen contains the wild type and resistant strain (mixed infection); mutation not covered by mutation probes
- Possible reasons:
- Complete gene locus (all bands including Locus Control band) missing, invalid result
- Possible reason:
- DNA concentration below the limit of detection
- Possible reason:
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