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The approver id is created at the district level in the Public Financial Management System (PFMS) for approving the DBT Payments sent from Ni-kshay to PFMS. This id can be modified or reset only by the implementing PFMS agency through the agency admin login.

The steps to modify/reset the Approver id are as below:

Process to modify/reset the Approver id


3734 (1)
3734 (2)
3734 (3)

Fig: Modifying/resetting Approver id in PFMS; Source: PFMS User Manual  Role of Administrator  Version 1.1 August 2017, Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India

The password can be reset by the Approver himself/herself after logging in with legitimate credentials. 


  1. Direct Benefi­t Transfer Manual for National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme, MoHFW, India

  2. PFMS User Manual  Role of Administrator  Version 1.1 August 2017, Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India




Answer 1    

Answer 2    

Answer 3    

Answer 4    

Correct answer    

Correct explanation    

Page id    

Part of Pre-test    

Part of Post-test    

1) Only the PFMS agency administrator can change the DBT Approver id in PFMS. True False  


1 Only the PFMS agency administrator can change the DBT Approver id in PFMS.




2) Which option should the agency administrator click in PFMS Master for modifying/resetting the Approver id?

Add new user


User tab

None of the above


PFMS Agency administrator can modify/reset the approver id by clicking on the ‘Manage’ option on the PFMS Master homepage. This will open the Manage Agency Users page, where the Approver id can be modified/reset.






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