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Presumptive TB Examination Rate
Learning ObjectivesUnderstanding the indicator of PTER and its importance in measuring TB Elimination.
Presumptive TB examination rate is a measure of the extent of testing being conducted per unit of population. It is calculated using the following data.
Indicator name | Numerator | Denominator | Source | Unit |
Presumptive TB examination rate | Number of Presumptive TB cases examined during a specific period | Population in Lakh in mid of specific period | Nikshay (PMR) | Presumptive cases per lakh population |
Presumptive TB examination rate (PTER) is a key monitoring indicator. Health facilities where the PTER is low can be prioritized for supportive supervision visits. According to latest recommendations by NTEP PTER must be at least 5000 per lakh population.
Possible reasons for low PTER in health facilities
- Low referrals- Low referrals may be due to-
- Low awareness among medical officers or health workers about the national program's recommendations on what is considered an adequate PTER.
- Inadequate training of medical officers or health workers in screening using the 4S screening criteria.
- Inadequate active or intensified case finding.
2. Low passive case finding- This may be due to
- Inadequate health services utilization from public health facilities.
- Technical and operational guidelines for tuberculosis control in India 2016
- Training Modules (1-4) for Programme Managers and Medical Officers India: Central TB Division, MoHFW, Government of India, July 2020
Question | Answer 1 | Answer 2 | Answer 3 | Answer 4 | Correct answer | Correct explanation | Page id | Part of Pre-test | Part of Post-test |
What is the denominator when calculating the Presumptive TB examination rate? | Number of slides examined | Number of presumptive TB cases examined during a specific period | Number of TB cases confirmed | Population in Lakh in mid of specific period | 4 | The correct denominator is Population in Lakh in mid of specific period. According to latest recommendations by NTEP PTER must be at least 5000 per lakh population. | |||
What can a programme manager do if they find one of their facilities have low PTER? | Make a visit to conduct supportive supervision | Scold the health workers | Use Information Education and Communication measures to bring in more patients. | Hold the lab technician responsible. | 1 | The programme manager may make a visit to the health facility and assist in course correction through supportive supervision of the health facility team. |
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